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“Commersant”. “Sistema’s” oil producing assets go to “RussNeft”.

Yesterday evening corporation “Sistems” announced closing of the deal of selling all its oil assets for $ 288,5 mln. The buyer was “RussNeft”, which by means of this acquisition increased its annual oil production form 3 million tones up to approx. 6 million tones.

“Vedomosti”. “Sistema” gets rid of its oil”.

Moscow. JSC “RussNeft” closed the deal of buying oil producing assets of corporation “Sistema”. The deal includes 50% of shares of JSC “Ob’edinennaya neftyanaya companiya” (ONK, Moscow), JSC “Sistema-Neft” (Moscow), limited company “Consortium K-12” (Igevsk, Udmurtiya), limited company “Baykal-Oil” (Agidel, Bashkortostan).

“Commersant”. “RussNeft” expands in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Press-service of “RussNeft” informed the Interfax Agency yesterday, that “RussNeft” purchased 100% of shares of joint enterprise limited company “Chernogorskoye”. The value of the deal was not announced.

Belkamneft, High Results to Mark Anniversary.

The employees are confident of their future.
28.04.2004 "Komsomolskaya Pravda – Izhevsk"