© 2005–2024 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»

Prozorovskaya Olga Evgenievna

Senior Vice President for Economics and Finance

Malyshev Alexander Sergeevich

Vice President for Oil and Gas Production

Evloev Magomed-Ali Sulambekovich

Vice President of Commerce

Yudin Konstantin Alexandrovich

Vice President for Security

Dokhlov Andrey Valerievich

Vice President for Economics and Budgeting

Pitsyura Evgeny Vladimirovich

Vice President for Geology and Development

Dmitry Romanov

Vice-President for Corporate relations

Fedoseev Alexey Igorevich

Vice President of Security

Permyakov Alexander Sergeevich

Vice President for Capital Construction

Avalishvili David Guramovich

Vice President - Director of the Department for Advanced Projects and Services

Elena Aleksandrovna Makarova

Vice President for Public Relations and Foreign Economic Activity of PJSC “RussNeft”